Layout Manager
The Layout Manager can be used control which elements of the software are displayed, where they are displayed, and to set the general theme of Image-Pro.
You can build customized layouts designed for specific work-flows and for specific users of Image-Pro.
To access the layout manager select Layout Manager from the Layout menu (on the right of the application).
The Layout Manager is divided into sections which are shown on the left. Select the title of each section to access the settings within that section.

Use this section to Configure General Options.
Dark Mode: Select this option to display the application in dark mode. When de-selected, the application is displayed in light mode.
Remember Panel Positions: When selected, the state of all of the panels (whether they are open or closed) as well as their positions when the application is closed, will be restored the next time the application is opened.
Panels Default Side: Choose from this drop-down menu to set the default position of panels.
You can choose from:
Left: All portrait panels are displayed on the left of the application.
Right : All portrait panels are displayed on the right of the application.
Default: Portrait panels are displayed both on the left and right of the application.
Image Workspace
Welcome Screen: When this option is selected, the Welcome Page is always displayed when Image-Pro is opened. The Welcome Page is a convenient place to access useful links, and to open recently opened images or image sets.
Restore Document Workspace: When this option is selected any images or image sets that are left open when the Image-Pro is closed will be automatically re-opened in the same position they were in at shutdown.
Background Color: Use this color picker to set the background color of the workspace.
Background Pattern: Select from this drop-down menu if you want to display a background pattern in the workspace.
Image-Default View: Select from this drop-down to set the default view in which newly opened multi-framed images are displayed.
You can choose from:
Image-Set Default View: Select from this drop-down to set the default view in which newly opened image-sets are displayed.
You can choose from:
Maximum Intensity Projection
Minimum Intensity Projection
Color Composite Display: Select this option to open multi-channel image sets in the color composite display (with the channel dimension disabled in the image-set navigation tools). When this option is deselected, sets will open with a single channel displayed and the channel dimension active in the image-set navigation tools.
Default to Floating Documents: When de-selected documents will be shown Docked. Select this option to display documents in Float mode. When selected you can choose a float layout from the drop-down menu.
You can choose from:
Tile Vertical
Tile Horizontal
Brightness, Contrast, Gamma Group
View: Select from this drop-down to control the appearance of the Brightness, Contrast and Gamma controls in the Display tool group on the Adjust Ribbon.
You can choose from:
Sliders Only
Sliders + Numeric Controls
Numeric Controls Only
Numeric Controls + Popup
Characteristics Group
Set the controls displayed in the Optical Characteristics group on the Home/Capture ribbon by selecting their check boxes. A maximum of three tools can be selected.
You can choose between:
Mag*Zoom Display
Spatial Calibration

The Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) can be used to host shortcuts to your most commonly used tools. Most tools have shortcuts that you can place on the Quick Access Toolbar. Once a tool’s shortcut is on the Quick Access Toolbar, a single click will execute that command.
Adding a tool to the QAT:
Check the name of the tool group to which the tool belongs. For example, the AI Deep Learning Segmentation tool is a member of the Segment tool group on the Count/Size ribbon.
Select the tool group from the Choose Commands from: drop down menu. All tools in the selected tool group are displayed.
Click on the tool that you want, then click Add.

Use the Ribbon tab of the Layout Manager to control which ribbons and tool groups are visible, the order in which ribbons and tool groups are displayed, and to make your own custom ribbons.
Two tables of ribbons and tool groups are displayed. All available ribbons and tool groups are displayed on the left in the All Ribbons & Groups table. All selected ribbons and tool groups are displayed on the right in the Appliction Ribbons & Groups table.
Hiding a Ribbon
There are two ways to hide a ribbon:
Deselect the Ribbon’s check box in the Application Ribbons & Groups table. The ribbon will continue to load on start-up and can be made visible (by re-selecting the check box) without restarting Image-Pro.
Click on the Ribbon name in the in the Application Ribbons & Groups table and click Remove. The ribbon will no longer load at start-up and can only be displayed after re-adding the ribbon and restarting Image-Pro.
Note: Removing ribbons reduces application start up time.
Displaying a Ribbon
To Display a ribbon, it must be in the Application Ribbons & Groups table, and its check box must be selected. If a ribbon is absent from the Application Ribbons & Groups table (because it was previously removed), click the ribbon’s name in the All Ribbons and Tools table and click Add.
Changing the order of Ribbons.
The order in which tabs and ribbons are displayed is controlled by their order in the Application Ribbons & Groups table. To change the position of a ribbon, and select the ribbon name in the Application Ribbons & Groups table and drag it to a new location in the same table. The position of the ribbon will update in real time.
Hiding Tool groups.
Click on the + control next to a ribbon name to display the tool groups that are hosted by the ribbon. There are two ways to hide a tool group:
Deselect the tool group’s check box in the Application Ribbons & Groups table. The tool group will continue to load on start-up and can be made visible without restarting Image-Pro.
Click on the tool group name in the in the Application Ribbons & Groups table and click Remove. The tool group will no longer load at start-up and can only be displayed again after re-adding the tool group after restarting Image-Pro.
Displaying a tool group.
Click on the + control next to a ribbon name to display the tool groups that are hosted by the ribbon. To display a tool group, it must be in the Application Ribbons & Groups table, and the tool group’s check box must be selected. If a tool group is absent from the Application Ribbons & Groups table (because it was previously removed), click the tool group name in the All Ribbons and Tools table and click Add.
Changing the location of tool groups
Click on the + control next to a ribbon name to display the tool groups that are hosted by the ribbon. Click on a tool group’s name in the Application Ribbons & Groups table and drag it to your preferred location.
You can move tool groups to a new location in the current host ribbon or drag it to a completely new ribbon.
Adding Custom Ribbons
Click New to make a new custom ribbon. New custom ribbons are displayed in the Application Ribbons & Groups table with the default name Custom Tab. Click on this name to change it to something more useful. You can add any combination of tool groups to your new ribbon.
You can add as many custom ribbons as you wish.

Use this section to Select Status Bar Visible Items.
The status bar is displayed at the bottom of the application and can be used to display information about the active dataset and to select different views.
Information Panes
Select the check box of those information panes that you want to include in the status bar.
You can choose any combination from:
Image Type
Image Size
Frame Number
Frame Date/Time
Cursor Position
Display Calibrated
Pixel Value
Display Calibrated
ROI Extents
ROI Size
Intensity Calibration
Spatial Calibration
Select the check box of the views for which you want to include a shortcut in the status bar.
You can choose any combination from:

Use this section to Select Protocol Filters.
The contents of the The Protocol Browser can be filtered by either Collections, or Tags. In each case a filter is applied by selecting it from a drop-down menu on the protocol browser.
You can limit the number of Protocols that are visible in the browser by only selecting those collections that interest you or by selecting only protocol tags that interest you in the Layout Manager.
Note: Protocols that belong to a collection that is deselected in the Layout Manager, or that have no visible tags in the Layout Manager can not be displayed in the Protocol Browser.
The default protocol Collections are:
Cell Biology
Cell Biology Plus
Cell Biology EM
Materials Optical
Materials EM
The default protocols Tags are:
AI Deep Learning
Electron Microscopy
Standard Photography

Use this section to Select Model Filters.
The contents of the The Model Manager can be filtered by either Collections, or Tags. In each case a filter is applied by selecting it from a drop-down menu on the model manger.
You can limit the number of collections or tags in these drop down menus to only those that interest you by de-selecting the check-box associated with a collection or tag that you don’t want to see in the browser.
Note: Models that belong to a collection that is hidden in the Layout Manager, or that have no visible tags in the Layout Manager can not be displayed in the Model Manager.
The default model collections are:
General Use
Life Science Optical
Life Science EM
Materials Optical
Materials EM
The default model tags are:
Electron Microscopy

Use this section to Manage Layouts.
Note: The Current Layout is displayed at the bottom of this section.
The available layouts are displayed in a table format.
Each row of the table contains the following information and options:
Name | Delete Button | Save Button | Load Button |
Layout Name– Click to edit Auto-save Date Creation Date - Click Restore to revert to this initial version |
Click to permanently remove the layout from the table | Click to save a .ribbon layout file that can be shared with other users or computers | Click to load the last auto-saved version of the layout |
New: Click to create a new layout.
In the New Layout dialog that opens select your preferred theme.
You can choose between:
Next, select your preferred area of focus for protocols and AI deep learning models. Leave this set to All if your focus covers all areas.
You can choose between:
Life Science All
Life Science Optical
Life Science EM
Materials All
Materials Optical
Materials EM
Finally, you can choose how many less commonly used tools you want to hide.
You can choose between:
Hide More (the maximum number of tools are hidden if this option is selected)
Hide Some
Show All (no tools are hidden if this option is selected)
Enter a meaningful name for the new layout and click OK.
Import: Click to open a saved layout as a .ribbon file that was saved by another user or on a different computer
Save As: Click to save the current layout as a new layout (while leaving the current layout unaffected).